International – Going Abroad

Assistant County Commissioner – International

Tim Rowe is currently our Assistant County Commissioner – International. Contact him on

International activities are an integral part of being a Scout

The UK Scout Association is part of a worldwide movement – there are Scout Associations in 216 countries and territories, and we are all member of the World Organisation of Scout Movements (WOSM). International Scouting is a very broad term and can involve everything from going on an expedition to another country to learning about cultures and traditions in your weekly programme.

Going Abroad with Scouting

Thinking of visiting another country with your young people or as part of your volunteer role in Scouting? International adventures are an amazing part of being a Scout with endless possibilities to meet Scouts in other countries, explore new cultures and plan exciting expeditions.

To review the Scout Association polices and download all the required forms – click here

Leader Resources

Thinking of Going Abroad – all you need to know:

Visit Abroad Form:

Explorer Belt – Top Award